The internet is weird.
A few weeks ago, I published a comment on my friend Matthew Paul Turner's wife's blog.
(You with me? Okay. I told you the internet was weird.)
A friend of hers saw my comment and followed the link to my blog, which you faithful folks are currently reading. She discovered I am a Methodist minister who can string some words together to form (mostly) comprehensible sentences. She also happens to be an editor for Circuit Rider, a fantastic magazine published by the United Methodist Publishing House.
The planets aligned. God's providence reigned.
She asked me to do seven (!) articles for her. These Sermon Starters were to be based on the lectionary texts, and well.. here they are:
Ta Da!
Aren't they lovely!!?! It is funny to me that I keep getting published in wonderful places. Unfortunately, none of these publications are actually available on real paper (unless, of course, I print them out and bind them myself). But, they did get sent to , which is a fantastic lectionary resource. You have to scroll down a bit, but you'll see them looking something like this:
Lectionary Reflections, Discussions & Weblogs: Sermon Starters, Ordinary Time, 2009, Mandy Sloan Flemming, United Methodist Church Circuit Rider.
So, Internet, thank you for being weird and wonderful.
Later, I'll tell you the story about how I followed a Tweet (dear God, save your people) and published a sermon. It'll blow your mind.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 day ago